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1. Interview with Branko Milanović. ”…global inequality is still extremely high by the standards of any single country. It is, for example, significantly higher than inequality in South Africa,...
View ArticleEconometric Fortune Cookie
Possibly the wisest fortune cookie ever: …and definitely clearer than “E[Yi | Di=1] - E[Yi | Di=0] ≠ E[Y1i | D1i=1] - E[Y1i | D0i=1]” and related statements.
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1. David Roodman reviews Bill Easterly’s *Tyrrany of Experts*. 2. Dogs wearing suicide vests in WW2. (video, no sound) 3. Josh Oppenheimer on The Act of Killing. 4., purportedly the...
View ArticleViolence in the Congo, Before and After Dodd-Frank, in Two Maps
These are from Lauren E. Harrison, by way of Laura Seay. Both pieces are fascinating and easily worth reading in full. It would seem that the story about how cell phones finance war rape is about 90%...
View ArticleWhat does it mean if development expenditures don’t correlate with success?
The correlation between spending and good outcomes actually tells you very little about cost-effectiveness or about whether spending “works” at achieving good outcomes. I learned this from an older...
View Article16% of Americans are Uninsured (But So What?)
Source. I can think of at least four ways a pundit could spin this: 1. One could emphasize the precipitous drop from 18% to 15.9% that’s occurred in the last 2 quarters. 2. One could point out that...
View ArticleAre most conservatives really liberals?
Looked at this way, almost 30 percent of Americans are “consistent liberals” — people who call themselves liberals and have liberal politics. Only 15 percent are “consistent conservatives” — people...
View ArticleFlorida Prosecutes Some Children as Adults For No Particular Reason
Some Floridian prosecutors wake up in the morning and decide to give sixteen-year-olds permanent criminal records; others don’t. Why? I have no idea, and neither does Human Rights Watch: Surely a...
View ArticleWhat News Stories Do Americans Find Interesting?
If someone had asked me which of the following news stories I thought were important, I probably would have put them in almost the exact reverse order: Source
View ArticleWhat I’ve Been Listening To
1. Frank Ocean, channel ORANGE. Almost every track on this album is worth listening to at least once. Easily deserves the praise it’s received. 2. Timber Timbre, Creep On Creepin’ On. Very creepy...
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